Welcome To The Official Robertsbridge
Aviation Society Website

Chairman Roy Chrismas
Tel: 01580 880 712
General Secretary and Museum Manager Trevor Woodgate.
Tel: 01304 239 711

Society membership
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in aviation, civil or military, past or present. We can cater for a wide range of activities from conservation and preservation work, visits to other organisations, photography, historical research, model making and aircraft recognition.
General meetings are held on an adhoc basis. Meetings generally consist of a fun aircraft recognition test followed by a film or slides and conversation about our hobby. The occasional speaker is also arranged.
We are non-profit making organisation, which means we rely on membership fees, public donations and fund raising activities for finance. Throughout the year we hold a series of fund raising events such as coffee mornings, a book sale, jumble sales and raffles.
An annual Open Day is held the last Sunday in July for the public to sample Society activities. The museum collection is open and there are exhibitions of art and model aircraft.
Annual Membership Fees
Family £20.00
Adult £17.00
Friend £10.00
Junior (under 18) £5.00
* Family membership comprises a maximum of two adults and two children under 18.
** Friend membership is intended only for those who cannot attend meetings or Society activities but who would like to support the Society and keep in touch.
Members also get a copy of the Rob Air Newsletter every quarter. Locals to the village may recognise the location on the delightful front cover art by Arthur Whitlock ->